Door drop – interaction and usage of door drop items

Our second deep dive into JICMail’s 2020 Q4 results, following on from retention in households, focuses on interaction and usage of door drop items.

Its important to note that JICMail is panel based research and some of the phraseology we have lifted from the data set reflects that.

As with our retention post, industry data on usage of door drop items in particular has historically been restricted to any final mile supplier’s case history library, so JICMail have again taken a massive step in rightly promoting the medium based upon the results available.

At the planning stage, particularly for clients new to the medium, the “what level of response can I expect” question, is always immensely difficult to answer succinctly.

Indeed, sometimes its akin to how long is a piece of string, bearing in mind the door drop action is just one element. Let’s not forget relevance, timing, the offer and creative will all affect door drop response levels.

And different clients measure success in different ways.

Coupon activity is all about the percentage of redemption, charity acquisition is the cost of each new donor, whilst charity legacy is about the size of the pledge and the overall campaign value.

Retail will be measured in footfall and spend values, takeaways/home deliveries in volume of sales and their value.

There has also always been a reluctance on behalf of clients to provide case histories containing real data, but every new client asks for case histories!

So for JICMail to reveal that an Uber Eats leaflet triggered FIVE interactions with the leaflet and FOUR commercial actions within a household is a tremendous result.

Lidl’s Christmas brochure generated a chain of actions starting on the day of distribution best described as read the booklet, visited the website, completed a commercial action. Other Lidl results showed shoppers again reading the brochure and then visiting the store within days of receipt of the booklet.

The Salvation Army’s leaflet appeal similarly prompted discussion within households and visits to the website.

The frequency of exposure to door drop items at 3.06, is actually an 8.5% year on year increase from Q2 2018; compared to 0.7% for direct mail!

Door drops generated spikes in website visits following distribution, with visitors seeking more information, looking up account details and crucially, making purchases.

Amid much speculation about if, how and when our personal working patterns may change, there is still considerable groundswell support for partial working from home to become the norm. The result of one recent poll, saw the majority of those taking part believing working from home two or three days a week in the future will become the norm.

Factoring in the Covid effect, will a prolonged stay at home audience continue to engage with and fulfil actions every time the letterbox flaps? JICMail has provided evidence that there is a very strong chance they will.

So get in touch and let’s create a door drop plan for you to take advantage and join the reams of clients successfully using door drops.

If you are new to the medium, let’s discuss creating a test matrix for you.

If you are an existing user, perhaps using a tired door drop plan that would benefit from a fresh approach and some creative thinking, feel free to contact us at any time.

Graham Dodd, Managing Director