That was the week that was!


If Carlsberg did successful weeks, last week would be right up there.

Its difficult to recall in recent times a more satisfying period, when we engaged with so many happy clients.

The real icing on the cake for us, was that the client conversations were all very different and highlighted our strengths in working across numerous business areas, providing different services to a diverse range of clients.

The week kicked off with a call with a long standing agency client specialising in charities, for whom we have provided planning and door drop services. One client’s astonishing door drop results were shared from last year and have almost inevitably generated a new brief for this Autumn’s campaign, alongside another new client brief, with the promise of two more to follow in the coming weeks, for door drops and partially addressed mailings.

Next up was our appointment for the next two years by a new county council client, which we are thrilled with. The contact emailed in advance of the formal announcement which was really nice of him and complimented us on the detail in our tender. The phrases “impressed by your attention to detail” and “not only highlighting potential issues, but also providing solutions to such issues” made you the standout option.

Then, one of our largest clients, who commonly repeat door drop plans several weeks after an initial drop, have announced a third wave of testing. Response levels on phase two are similar to the first phase, so they are keen to learn if response to a third phase will similarly maintain response at the same or similar level.

Closely followed by another charity client who we handle direct and whose partially addressed mailing test results they have described as “phenomenal” and “exceeding forecasts by a mile”.

Last and by no means least, was a call from another agency client for whom we provide detailed targeting solutions drawing upon multiple sources to accurately engage with brands’ varying target markets. Previous activity in 2020 and earlier this year has generated results encouraging the multiple brands “to go again” to steal the agency’s wording, so we are already busy planning for the Autumn.

And if that was not enough, a new brand has also lodged an enquiry for their first ever door drop.

So, after we have paused for breath, we “go again” in creating more proposals with the objectives of maintaining response/redemption/donation levels across the board.

Encouragingly on a wider front, recent weeks have also spawned Autumn enquiries from Covid affected, lapsed users such as retailers of varying natures and single site gyms, who are returning to market from September onwards. It seemed slightly surreal looking out of the window at clear blue skies thinking of Christmas deadlines, but we coped!

Despite the high volume of traffic in the last week or so, be assured we have capacity to handle your enquiry if you are thinking about door drop for the first time, considering changing your final mile supplier, or would simply welcome a second opinion.

You can be assured our service levels have not dipped despite the success of last week or so.

Feel free to get in touch, we would love to work with you.

Graham Dodd, Managing Director